Anne P., a native of New York City, has worked in television and is now a fitness instructor who is in her third year with the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders.
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Meet Anne P. and the rest of the 2013 Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders! |
Having been on the squad for the past three seasons, what have you learned about yourself from your rookie season until now?
The past three seasons have been the most life-changing years of my life. The biggest thing I have learned about myself is the desire I have to empower and encourage others. I genuinely love being in a team atmosphere where there is so much to learn from each of my teammates. Being the positive light to others is a role that I have molded into because I truly want every person I come in contact with to realize that life lived with a positive outlook leads to great internal motivation and joy.
Fitness is an important aspect of your life. What is your motivation to stay fit?
My motivation to stay fit comes from the appreciation I have for life and wanting to live a long/healthy life to experience all the opportunities that exist in this world. My former boss at "The View", Elisabeth Hasselbeck, really inspired me and taught me a great wealth of knowledge about the fitness industry. After switching from a career in the television industry to a career in fitness, I learned it's even more important to stay in shape, as I want to be the best example to my clients. Staying fit helps me keep a positive mentality in life, allows me to continue to grow as a person, and achieve anything that I put my mind to, no matter what!
What is that one TTC memory that sticks out the most in your mind?
One TTC Memory that will always stick out to me is May 31, 2011 — the day I became a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader! I worked so hard, dedicated countless hours to working on my physical fitness, dance skills, and learning everything and anything about the Titans. In that one moment, pure joy rushed over me, and I knew my life was going to be forever changed from all the experiences I was about to go through!
What do you do in your spare time that is not related to fitness or dance?
Outside of fitness and dance, I cherish the time I spend on walks or at the dog park with my Pug, Izzie; Lab, Dyson; and Beagle, Lucy. I'm very much a dog lover. Most importantly, my faith is the strongest pillar in my life and I attend church as much as possible!
Who is your role model in the dance industry and why?
My older brother and sister are my role models in the dance industry. My brother was a former professional classical ballet dancer; and my sister is a professional modern dancer in New York City where she is the owner and co-artistic director of Syren Modern Dance. I witnessed firsthand the countless hours they spent on a daily basis perfecting their skills. This instilled a strong work ethic in me from a very young age!
Chicken or fish? *Fish
Pilates or yoga?Yoga
Running or aerobics?Both!
Push-ups or dips?Push-ups
*Sweats or jeans?My lululemon workout clothes!
What misconceptions did you have or had you heard about professional dancing that you now know are untrue?**
Being exposed to the professional dancing industry for many years, there weren't many misconceptions that I had. However, the main one would be the career goals of professional dancers. Contrary to what some may think, the pro dance/cheer world is just a chapter in many women's lives — not their final destination. Specifically, every Titans Cheerleader has either a full-time career or is a full-time student preparing for her career. I highly value this component of TTC; and this was one of the main reasons I decided to try out for the squad!
Where is your favorite destination to travel? What is your dream destination?
My favorite destination to travel is back home to New York City! Nashville is home for me now, but NYC will always be near and dear to my heart.
My DREAM destination would be visiting my family roots in Sweden and Germany!
What is your favorite exercise to do when working out?
My favorite exercise to do is jumping rope! The jump rope is a great full-body workout. I can take my jump rope with me wherever I go so I never have an excuse that I can't get my workout done.
If you could choose one game to go back to and cheer in all over again, which game would it be?
There are a quite a few, but one game that will always stick out to me happened during my second year when the Titans beat the Steelers at LP Field on the nationally televised NFL Network *Thursday Night Football *game! My Grandmother had passed away that week, and I chose to stay in Nashville to be able to cheer in the game. Even though it was emotional not to be with my family, the fans were so energized and the Titans made some GREAT plays, which sent the Steelers home with a loss. My love for cheering and the Titans organization grew so much more, and it was a night that will always live in my mind!
What is on your bucket list?
Complete the Iron Man Triathlon in the next 10 years, and to visit all seven continents!
What does life after TTC hold for you?
My life as a TTC is (hopefully) far from over. However, I am actively working on growing my brand as a motivational speaker, personal trainer and lifestyle coach. My goal is to have a nationally recognized fitness brand that will encourage others to "Inspire. Empower. Own. Accomplish." I also plan to devote time to my newly created non-profit initiative, which educates young females on healthy living. I will always be a life-long Tennessee Titans fan!