We had three different locations to shoot at during four total sessions. Three of our women got to take their picture on a yacht where something very interesting happened. Our hair stylist decided that Julia's hair looked a little too long after adding some hair extensions. He had left his scissors back in the hotel room, so he searched the yacht for something that would do the trick. Finally, he found a fish fillet knife and told Julia to stand still as he cut away on her hair. It may have been an interesting way of going about it, but Julia's hair looked picture perfect when all was said and done.
One of the other shoots today took place at a restaurant called Jim N Nicks, where several of our women who have Titans-themed bathing suits took some of their pictures along with women in our summer uniform. Jim N Nicks is catering some of our meals and has been so great to us in Nashville as well. Sitting and standing still while taking pictures really is a lot of work, so having a great meal really hits the spot.
Not all women had photo sessions today, like myself. Those who didn't all tried to stay out of the sun as much as possible to avoid getting sunburned and tan lines. But when you're at a beautiful resort like the Sand Destin Golf and Beach Resort, it's difficult to stay in your room all day long! Some of the women took long bike rides, worked out at the gym, had facials or enjoyed some of the shops.
The night ended with another surprise; we're two for two when it comes to ending the night off with a special treat! The owners of the yacht, where some of our team took their pictures today, offered to taxi us over to the restaurant we would be eating at. Many members of our team had never been on a boat, much less a beautiful yacht! The boat ride was about an hour and so much fun!
Just like last year, we ate at The Lucky Snapper for dinner and these people really know how to entertain. The wait staff is a lot of fun and the food is great. Our favorite part about eating there is the music and the atmosphere. Obviously, we all love to dance and they always have someone performing live songs for us to dance to. But tonight, customers got an extra special treat.
As a way to earn a sticker for their rookie sign, the rookies had to get on the stage and sing a song to our Director. The song they chose was "Hey There Delilah," by Plain White T's. If you're familiar with the song, the words are sung pretty fast, so it became comical to say the least. Out of the eight rookies, four of them are pretty good when it comes to singing. Brianne, Clair, Jesse and Danielle all took turns on the microphone during what turned into about five songs and we were all pleasantly surprised proving once again, the Titans Cheerleaders are talented in so many ways.
It is now 12:41 a.m. and I have to report to hair in make up in less than three hours! I'll be shooting bright and early on the beach with five other women and then will hopefully get to enjoy some time in the sun. I hope you're enjoying the pictures of our trip online and make sure and check back in tomorrow for more updates on what the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders are up to in Destin!
Lindsey R.