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Tuesday Mailbag: Jim Wyatt Answers Questions From Titans Fans After Sunday's Win vs the Texans


NASHVILLE – Make it five in a row.

The Titans took care of business on Sunday in Houston, as running back Derrick Henry once again steamrolled over the Texans.

Now a big challenge is coming up against the Chiefs.

Let's tackle another batch of questions before we start a new practice week…

Here's the link to submit questions: CLICK HERE

James Kaufmann from York, Pennsylvania
Good afternoon Jim. I know Malik Willis is a rookie but I'm not seeing the positives at this point. He constantly throws picks and fumbles. I don't understand drafting him when it looks like the moment is too big against the Texans who have one win. While I'm excited we are winning this year we are not better than the Chiefs or Bills. Henry has to constantly carry this offense. One more question Jim: Why are we not running more two tight end sets or split back sets with Henry and Hilliard to mix it up?

Jim: C'mon James. Constantly throws picks and fumbles? It was Malik's first start, so let's cut the rookie some slack. Yes, he needs to improve, but he's just getting started. … And, what's wrong with Derrick Henry constantly carrying the offense? That's why he's on the team. … As for not being better than the Chiefs or Bills, well, on November 1 that's probably the case. But it's a long season. Let's see how the year plays out

Janette Porter from Hendersonville, Tennessee
Hi Mr Wyatt! I'm excited to be writing in for the first time because I love Mailbag! I have several questions I'm hoping you will answer. First, Can you offer any insight or your thoughts on newly signed receiver Chris Conley, other than the usual background info that's already been posted? Also, I realized I didn't know this, WHO is our emergency QB, if Tannehill and Willis both go out during a game? - I hope we never have to find this out, but honestly, I'm surprised Ryan hasn't been hurt before now, considering what he goes through. … Thank you in advance Jim and please let Ryan know we wish him a fast recovery.

Jim: Hi Janette! Thanks for reading, and for writing in. Conley played just 13 snaps on Sunday, and he wasn't targeted. Keep in mind the team threw just 10 passes on the day. When Ryan returns, I think you'll see him involved more. Already coaches have been impressed with his work ethic and approach, and he's an impressive looking athlete – big and physical. … As for the emergency QB behind Tannehill and Willis (in the event Logan Woodside is not active), I'm thinking it could be a left-handed Kevin Byard in-game.

Jacob Sain from Mountain Grove, Missouri
Hey Jim. It's good to see the Titans on a winning streak, and I'm glad they're winning division games that "count double." I really want this team to get healthy just so we can have a chance to see their potential.
I'm attending the SNF game in K.C. this weekend, and would love any tips about the best places to eat BBQ or other fun things. But what I really want to know is if the Titans are doing any kind of "road rally" like they did in Indy? I think that's sounds like so much fun. If not, unofficial fan gatherings are great too!

Jim: Hey Jacob. I have not heard anything about a Road Rally or pep rally in K.C. I sometimes hear about gatherings during the week, so follow me on Twitter (@jwyattsports) because I'll tweet it out if I see something. Nothing is currently planned from a team standpoint. As for places to eat, Joe's K.C. is outstanding, and I've been to Gates and Arthur Bryant's as well, and enjoyed them both.

Jim Williams from Lubbock, Texas
Hi Jim. Great victory over the Texans. And with the Jaguars and Colts also losing, the Titans are really in the driver's seat in the South Division. King Henry is deservedly getting most of the praise for the win, but Dontrelle Hilliard made a huge contribution also. He can be a huge part of the offense. Also, the offensive line really opened some holes and made Derrick's 200+ yard day possible. I think I am finally beginning to understand Todd Downing's methods in setting a game plan and calling plays. He is working within the abilities of the personnel on the field at any given time, and isn't asking anyone to go beyond their athletic limits. That's clearly the best way to do things with the defense as strong as it has been. Keep it simple and don't put the defense in a bad spot. That agrees with Coach Mike's philosophy and is a major factor in the Titans winning five in a row. No question today, Jim. Just an admission that I have been wrong and I now think that Todd Downing is really doing a heckuva job managing the offense.

Jim: Appreciate you coming clean, Jim, but I know how this works: If things go poorly on Sunday, I know what my inbox is going to look like. I also know Todd Downing is not worried about praise, and he can't let himself worry about criticism either. He has a job to do. But I do think he's been a scapegoat too often because this is an offense with limitations from a personnel standpoint, especially at receiver, in part because of injuries. The staff did a great job on Sunday keeping it simple, and winning. But it's going to be a lot tougher this Sunday in Kansas City.

Paul Christian from Bridgend Wales, United Kingdom
Hi Jim, only way i can send message to someone at head office, i am so frustrated, WHY did Titans let Foreman go? what is GM thinking, what a waste. the best 1/2 punch in football, you never have to throw the ball, only a shuffle pass to FB, you just have nastiest 8 line men, 3mega blocking TE's 2 nasty FB's and a cheap rookie scrambling QB, No defence could stop them, you only need to gain 3.5 avg, and you win the game, you never punt, opposition have max 7/8 chances to score at least 45 points, NFL wont like it, fan's wont like it, except TITAN fans and save bucket load of $'s, i feel sorry for Donte, it got Matt Rule fired, because he never played him, even with EMC hurt, what a idiot, look at him now, what are these GM's and coaches thinking, get paid $ millions and cant see what works in front of their noses, I get so annoyed watching some games, I'm a seattle fan. you can imagine what i was thinking when we threw instead of handing off to Beastmode, in SB, but im like that with any team, that makes stupid calls, when go from what works, Feel free to share with GM or anyone you feel. kindest regards Paul Christian

Jim: Hey Paul. Odd timing on this rant. You want Foreman playing instead of Derrick Henry, who went for 219 yards on Sunday? And after Dontrell Hilliard averaged 10.4 yards per carry? Foreman had a good game on Sunday, and I liked him when he was here. But the Titans weren't going to pay him $2 million to back up Derrick, and I'm sure he wanted a chance to play. … Hang in there, Paul. Sounds like that Malcolm Butler pick is still bothering you

Allan Stewart from Brookings, Oregon
Titan offense starts with a "D". A D for Derrick Henry, a D for defense and D for performance (barely passing, pun intended). While a win is a win this was not a demonstration of a well balanced offense. Question: is:? why wasn't Woodside brought in? He has paid his dues for the past several years and given the poor passing performance of Willis why not? The absence of Tannehill may quiet some of the criticism of him. Let's hope he is back for next week. GO TITANS!

Jim: Hey Allan. Logan wasn't brought in because the plan was to win the game running the football, not by throwing it. And, it worked.

Cory Batson from Kalamazoo, Michigan
Hi Jim. A little background first. I was born and raised in Austin, TX. Lifelong Oilers fans, and actually moved to TN the same year the Oilers did. Still a diehard Titans Fan and always will be! I've been living and working in Michigan for the past 3 years and thank God for the 104.5 The Zone app and Mike Kieth/Dave McGinnis are second to NONE! 🙏
Just a curious, I guess somewhat random question:
With the ultra-polarizing and divisive political landscape we are now living in, what is your take on how players are able to separate themselves from that and stay focused and true to each other? I try my best to live my life with balance, respecting humans as we are and understanding extremism begets extremism. I love sports and how it can teach us all that sometimes what seems important, is actually small potatoes. What is truly important is love, kindness, grace, compassion and understanding. Those things can sometimes be hard to harness. How does this amazing group of guys stay focused and true to each other when fundamental differences arise..which I assume they do. I appreciate you and all of your hard work and insight!

Jim: Hey Cory. Good question. I've said this before: An NFL locker room is an amazing place. Players from different backgrounds, from all over the country, come together as one. And, they blend together and make it work. They have each other's backs. No, they don't agree on everything. But they respect one another, and work for one cause. I've seen this play out on the field, and in matters bigger than football.

Jo�o Schutze from Campinas, Brazil
Oi Jim! How are you?
I'm proud about out team, guys have been rocking!
My question is a bit different, do you know what we can expect for the next season uniforms? I'm really anxious to see the new stuff/ There's a video in Titans' instagram that Lewan (if I remember correctly) wearing a black jersey with oilers logo). Take care and let's keep winning!

Jim: Good to hear from you in Brazil! I'd expect the same uniforms you're seeing this season, with an Oilers throwback uniform added to the mix – light blue jerseys, white britches with the red and light blue stripe, and the white Oilers helmet with the red facemask. It'll be a throwback to the Luv' Ya Blue era.

David Siler from Thousand Oaks, California
Hey Jim Hope you are doing well. So after watching Malik in his pro debut do you really think he gives us a better shot at the #2 QB over Logan Woodside? I didn't see the "dual threat" and definitely not passing accuracy or pocket awareness? Thank god for King Henry

Jim: Hey David. I get the benefit of watching Malik in practices as well. I am not going to judge Malik too much after one game, and after throwing just 10 passes. The gameplan was to ride Derrick, and that's what happened. With that said, I think what we saw on Sunday should end some of the conversation about how Malik should be starting instead of Ryan Tannehill, because I'd been hearing plenty of that. The Titans need to get Tannehill back, and Malik needs more time to develop, which was the plan from Day 1.

Joe Tanaka from Aiea, Hawaii
Jim, is there any chance we'll see Kyle Philips on the field this year? Looks like he's not playing at all.

Jim: Hey Joe. Kyle has had some bad luck with injuries. He'd finally gotten the shoulder injury to settle down, and then he hurt his hamstring in the Friday practice before the Indy game on October 23. And, he was going to be heavily involved in the plan that week. Now, he's out for several more weeks at least.

Alberto Armando Tellez Salcedo from Durago, Mexico
Hola Jim otra vez yo, que no se pierda la racha, paso para expresar mi felicidad en un difícil partido sin Tannehill y con Malik con solo 4 WR uno de ellos recién llegado Chris Conley, Woods, NWI y Hollister.
Fue un tremendo partido de King Henry con más de 200 yardas y por lo menos 2 anotaciones por cuarto partido consecutivo contra los Texans. Además fue su sexto partido con+200 yardas y +2 anotaciones que es el más alto en la NFL. Además de que sobrepasó al gran Earl Campbell y empato y rebaso a Eddie George dos de mis ídolos favoritos junto con Derrick.
Me gustó mucho el trabajo del bloqueó de la Línea Ofensiva destacandose Aaron Brewer que es un jugador bien duro y que cada vez gana más fuerza, peso sin perder velocidad.
A la defensiva me gustó el trabajo de todos los que participaron, pero destacables Big Jeff, Teair Tart, DeMarcus Walker, David Long, Kristian Fulton y lo poco que jugaron Murchison y Cole lo hicieron muy bien.
Ahora Bullock falló un FG, Ryan Stonehouse muy bien nada más el touchback es su tercero de la temporada, falta direccionar el balón hacia las bandas para ser no solo el mejor actualmente, si no mejor que Ray Guy o Shane Lechler.
Una felicitación a todo el equipo de mi parte y bueno esperemos y el problema en el hbro de Amani Hooker no sea grave.
Se viene un tremendo partido contra Chiefs el próximo domingo por la noche y espero y regresen ya sea Molden, McMath, Campbell y que estén listos Rice, Weaver y Amadi. Titan Up desde Durango, México. Te comento que escribió del equipo acá en México, desde su historia y todo lo que pasa alrededor del equipo, abrazo fuerte.

Jim: Hola Alberto Armando. ¡Siempre traes tanta positividad y apoyo! Sé que el equipo lo aprecia. La racha ganadora de cinco juegos ha sido divertida. Ahora, el equipo tiene que seguir adelante. Seguro que se avecina una racha difícil de juegos, y no va a ser fácil. Cuídate.

Brady Garris from Huntsville, Alabama
Has Derrick Henry already claimed greatest Titan of all time? Does he also have the opportunity to become the greatest RB ever?

Jim: Hey Brady. When I watched Eddie George, I thought he was special. Then along came Chris Johnson, who was a dynamic player himself. Now, we all get the privilege of watching Derrick. I know a lot of this is up for debate, but he's definitely one of the all-time Titan greats in my mind, and he's still going strong. Time will tell where he ranks among the best-ever in the NFL, but he's well on his way.

Ethan Nolan from Vancouver, British Columbia
Not a question, just wanted to point out that this game showed how essential Ryan Tannehill is to the success of this team.

Jim: Yep.

Randy Porter from Hendersonville, Tennessee
Well Jim, without our starting QB, the game plan this week was obvious to everyone. Run, run and run some more. Although Willis is developing and clearly not ready to take over the team yet, he found himself with the responsibility of his first NFL start. So, the plan was simple, and though it came against a weaker defense. Willis did what he was asked to do - feed Henry the ball and manage the offense. Even the Texans defense knew what was coming, but were still unable to stop Derrick Henry and Dontrell Hilliard. The struggling O-line managed some holes for Henry, resulting in a record-setting rushing day. Had it not been for penalties, Derrick would have rushed for close to 300 yards. Amazing performance ! As you know, many fans have been unimpressed with what they describe as predictable offensive play calling and lack of creativity. I've shared their frustration at times as well. However, faced with no starting QB and a one-dimensional game plan, I thought Todd Downing did a nice job Sunday. It's hard to be creative when the game plan is simply "run the ball" and everyone knows it, yet I thought Todd mixed it up well this week. It was great to see Henry (and Hilliard) run off the edges and with misdirection, and not just up the middle. Hope that continues. Still, we clearly missed Tannehill and we need him back. As for the defense, what a stand ! In this game, Simmons was the usual beast he is, along with Tart and Dupree, but it seemed that every defensive player contributed big. Overall a great performance, in spite of the late TD allowed. I do have a question Jim. One thing that has plagued the Titans is penalties, particularly "false starts". I have to ask why ??. I doubt it's a lack of discipline, and they ALL know the snap count, so what do you attribute it to Jim ? BTW, I don't include Henry's FS call in that, which was a questionable call IMO. So, congrats to the guys for a great effort and another win, and look forward to your thoughts heading to K.C.
- BTW, a big thank you Jim for checking on the excessive delay of the Mike/Mac play-by-play during games. This is a beloved broadcast for many fans, that enhances the game day experience, but the delay is ruining it during live play.

Jim: We're in agreement on this, Randy. I wish I could explain the false starts, but I can't. It's definitely frustrating.

Have a great week everyone!

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