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Ittersagen Reports from Mission Trip in Haiti

Editors Note: *Titans defensive back Pete Ittersagen and linebacker Tim Shaw are helping out people in need during a mission trip to Haiti February 19 – 28. They are taking part in construction, community development, well drilling, preaching, teaching, relational evangelism and medical assistance.



FEB. 27HAITI -** The trip has been great so far and we traveled to La Bey on the Carribean Sea.

Two days ago, after an adventurous bus ride in the morning we were able to get some work done on the orphanage in the afternoon. We helped build a fence around a playground in a small community. Also, we were able to do some foundational construction on some of the classrooms that many of the orphans attend. We mixed concrete to fill cracks in the school which was created from the earthquake. We also began some sanding to prepare for painting of some school rooms we will be doing.

Yesterday we went into the market place and purchased over 25 goats to give to people in the community who are in need. We gave 12 families a male and female goat which could compare to giving a person in the states a small business. The goats will provide a lot of opportunity to these families. We also have been spending a lot of time teaching the Haitians American football and have been playing with them every afternoon after we finish working. We have been helping lay down the foundations for rooms for schools and also have been painting them. We have been also helping the organization put in gutter systems to combat the heavy rains they receive that often enter the people's homes.

FEB. 22
HAITI - Today was full of work and spending time with the kids in the community.  We began the morning by taking down a 50-person tent that was used as a hospital during the cholera outbreak. This was the biggest tent I have ever seen and it will be twice the task to put back together.

We then went to the community school to visit elementary kids who are in a program where they get fed twice a day and get to attend school.  Many of these children entered the program malnourished and unhealthy, but the Mission has seen much improvement in each child.

The afternoon began with us going to the community soccer field and basketball court to hand out brand new shoes.  Thanks to Tim Shaw, we handed out over 60 pairs of shoes to kids who did not previously own shoes.

We then had a little leisure time to play a basketball game with the locals and unfortunately, we lost.  Hundreds of people in the community were watching and it was a great afternoon for all of us.

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