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Tuesday Mailbag: Titans Fans Share Their Thoughts on Sunday's Season Opening Loss to the Giants and More


NASHVILLE – The Titans let the Giants off the hook on Sunday, and now arguably the NFL's biggest fish is up next in Buffalo.

Make no mistake, the Bills are good, and if the Titans don't play a whole lot better, we're going to be talking about 0-2 this time next week.

Not long after Sunday's game, the questions/comments started flooding into my inbox.

As you'll see, I heard from a whole bunch of Titans fans.

Let's take a look...

Here's the link to submit questions: CLICK HERE

John Cox from Camden, Tennessee
Been waiting since January to get that Bengals game out of my system..........disappointed to say the least! I'll share my thoughts on the game and you can use my submission if you want to. I thought Tannehill did his job just fine. I thought the defense played good enough to win this game too. Titans should have covered 21 points from the Giants easily. I don't blame our kicker for the loss either. Just like the Bengals loss.........if our Offensive Coordinator would stop calling wrong plays and the wrong time, the Titans would have won both of the last two games! It's so very plain to the ball and you win the game! Derrick Henry should have been in there on the 3rd & shorts! Let THE MAN run the ball!!!! I'm sure Jeff Fisher and all the '99 Titans wish, now, that they had just ran Eddie George in the Super Bowl instead of trying new stuff that got away from the Titans true identity. I sincerely hope Coach Vrabel will address the issues with the bad play calling.
With that all being said, I thought that we looked pretty good. I think we'll win the division again, but the Colts are gonna be in the thick of it with us. It's gonna be a down to the wire dogfight in December for the AFC South Championship. I thought my Arkansas guy, Treylon Burks, looked good and Kyle Philips did as well. These guys are gonna make our receiving corps potent, even though they are mostly unknown guys. TITANUP the play calling and lets get back on track!!!!!!

Jim: Appreciate you taking the time, John. Some of your concerns, as you'll see in here, are shared by others.

Ali Sinkular from Memphis, Tennessee
How in the heck did we lose to one of the worst teams…?

Jim: Keep reading.

Rick Smith from Union, Kentucky
: Jim, Hope you and your family are well. Thanks for another year of your ear! I would like to use a word to describe this game. "Accountability" or lack thereof. As disappointed as I am in the game, I am probably more disappointed in the garbage can of words I have heard after the game. This is a simple one, " It was not Bullocks fault, we should have never been in that position to begin with" (multiple players). Really? Then why have a FG kicker on the team? His only freaking job is to kick a football through 2 post 18-6" apart, he does not block, he does not read defenses, his whole practice is kicking the same size ball through uprights or into a net. If he would have made it, it would have been "Bullocks game winning FG", but since he missed it, now he is exempt and it was everyone else who did not perform up to standards. No accountability. "We have to work harder, we have to clean up our mistakes, we have to stick together, we have to learn to gel, to many mistakes were made, we left plays on the field, we have to get better" you know who makes these kind of statements Jim? losing teams. Winning teams hold players accountable. You are a NFL Player, the best of the best, you are rewarded for being the best of the best. 1 game in and I am already sick of these garbage cliche's!!! This was the same crap said after the Bengals loss. Since I live 20 miles south of Cincinnati don't think I haven't heard my fill over the past 9 months, and here we go again. Thanks for your ear Jim.

Jim: Hey Rick. Appreciate you taking the time. But I have to disagree with you right off the bat here, because the Titans were definitely accountable after this one, from Randy Bullock to Taylor Lewan to Kyle Philips to Jeffery Simmons to Ryan Tannehill to Derrick Henry to Kevin Byard to just about everyone else, including the head coach. Guys stayed in the locker room well after the game answering questions. A lot of times when Coach Vrabel's press conference is over, many of the players are dressed and gone by the time reporters get in there. On Sunday, as I mentioned, a lot of these guys stayed for an extended period of time, answering questions in waves, many blaming themselves. … And, as you'll see, I'll end up tackling several Bullock questions in here. I'm also in the camp the loss isn't all on him. Sure, he gets paid to make kicks, and the Titans needed him to do his job better in the clutch on Sunday. But blaming it all on him takes everyone else off the hook for their blunders as well. Was it Randy Bullock's fault when Kristian Fulton got beat deep for a touchdown? Was it Randy Bullock's fault that the team went 3-11 on third down? Was it Randy Bullock's fault that the Titans let Saquon Barkley run all over them? As you'll see in here, a lot of folks want to pin the blame on the O.C, so is Randy Bullock to blame for those wasted offensive possessions? The answer to all of these questions is no. The Titans needed Randy to make that kick, and he let the team down with the game on the line. But blaming it all on the kicker gives everyone else a free pass. By the way, since you're in such close proximity to Cincinnati, just wondering: Are all the Bengals fans blaming their loss to the Steelers on kicker Evan McPherson, or the back-up long snapper? Because no matter who the long snapper is, isn't it the kicker's job to make the kicks? Hang in there. Bengals fans can't be saying much to you this week.

Bob Galasso from Youngstown, Pennsylvania
Hi Jim! I just have a few observations and statements to add to your column... The normally stout run defense the Titans have so much pride in was completely shredded by the Giants... How much of this do you think was a result of them not having Rashad Evans starting... Saquon is a good back but he averaged 7.4 yards / carry and pretty much ran at will in the second half. Didn't seem like the Titans Defense could make the adjustments even though they knew what was coming... It looked to me that they took a piece of their offensive planning right out of the Titans playbook. I don't see things getting any easier for them against the Bills high powered offense. Offensively the Titans didn't look too bad... Kyle Phillips was a bright spot and I thought he did well on special teams not to mention his 21 yard reception to give the team a chance at the end... I was surprised that Woods didn't contribute more, especially being projected as the teams #1 wideout... what are your thoughts? I know its early and I have confidence that eventually things will come together but to lose a game that they were projected to win... and if they lose to Buffalo in the upcoming game they will have already began an uphill battle for the 2022 season. Thanks for listening.

Jim: Hey Bob. For starters, I don't think the bad run defense was because Rashaan Evans wasn't out there. But there were way too many missed tackles, blown assignments, etc. And, I'll be honest – that was the most surprising part of the game to me, just how poor the team was in run defense. … I thought Woods should've been more involved, and can't understand why he wasn't. … I liked what I saw from Philips. Sure, he can't muff the punt. But he was good, and he's just going to get better.

Cliff Cushman from Magnolia, Texas
Howdy, J.W.!! Not a question, but what i think is a different perspective on the loss to NY. When they turn on the tape, our guys will surely get an earful about not playing disciplined football and being sloppy in our technique, at times which led to the big plays that ultimately cost us the game. We all wanted the W, especially opening day at home against a team we were favored to beat. I am glad that we lost this game and here's why. We have beaten teams with better rosters in the past because we played hard nosed mistake free football. We flashed a few times yesterday but in the grand scheme of things played soft in the trenches and basically had NY do to us what we were supposed to do to them. If we had made that field goal, we might have overlooked all that we need to improve on because that is what winning does. Losing exposes your weaknesses. Actually, I do have a question. Did it seem to you that Henry wasn't running with the same confidence and power as last year?

Jim: Hey Cliff. Derrick has had better games for sure. I think he was starting to get in a rhythm later in the game, breaking off some more sizable runs. But I'm not going judge his confidence and power after one game.

Josh Carter from Chattanooga, Tennessee
A continued thank you for all that you do! I know there will be a ton of negative feedback in the mailbag for Todd Downing, but there were too many poorly executed facets in the Giants game to pin it all on the Offensive Coordinator. I was surprised by 3 main things: The lack of targets for Woods and Hooper (our most important trade/free agent pickups), how poorly we set the edge and our inexplicable bad tackling. We desperately missed Landry yesterday. I felt like the defense was so aggressively attacking the QB that a patient Barkley ran right past them. We were definitely missing that nasty element and veteran patience that Landry brings to his side of the line. Finally, a question - Why are targeting Swaim so much when he is by far the least talented pass catching TE on the roster?

Jim: Hey Josh. Vrabel was asked about Swaim on Monday. He said he's getting so many snaps because he's the best blocker on the team. As for his targets, well, that's another matter.

Pete Tsomides from Saco, Maine
I am so proud of myself for waiting 24 hours before I wrote this. Here we go yet again. Do we need a new offensive coordinator or system? To get completely out coached is embarrassing. I think Todd Downing had the worst day of anyone. Looking at the schedule it is clear that we have a tough road ahead this year. I had the Giants game as a win. Prior to that win I had us as a 5-12 team but now I guess I am thinking 4-13. Watching AJ go off in Philly and Julio having a nice first game in Tampa seems to indicate that we either have the wrong voices coaching the offense or the wrong players. If something doesn't click soon we will be out of it by the week 6 off week.

Jim: Kudos to you, Pete. Some of these starting coming in before the team made it off the field on Sunday. 4-13? Dang, makes me wonder what your record prediction would've been right after the game

Michelle Moore from Houston, Texas
When are we going to get a new kicker? Bullock is not a very good kicker. He says this miss is not going to define him, but it already has. When the heat is on, he cannot hit the side of a barn. It has defined him since the Texans, Bengals, and continues with the Titans. We need to move on quickly. As we saw with many of the Week 1 games already, winning or losing is going to come down to a last-minute field goal. We need someone who can deliver under the pressure, and Randy is definitely not it.

Jim: As of right now, no, the Titans aren't planning to get a new kicker. And, let's not ignore the fact Randy hit three game-winning field goals in 2021 (Seattle, Indianapolis, San Francisco).

Hunter Phelan from South Pasadena, California
Hi Mr. Jim I Hope all is well with you. As always thanks for all the great articles and keeping us Titans fans locked in, and in the know. Well I'm sure the mailbag is getting torched with angry fans. I haven't written in a bit. I know we have to move on from last years devastating playoff loss. Yesterdays game felt eerily similar to the playoff game. What in the world is going on with third n 1? 4 times (one third n 2) not one conversion. I know all angry Titan fans are calling for Downings dismissal. And last years third n 1 and 4th n 1 in the playoff game. This needs to fixed 911. These plays have had a major contribution in the last two losses.
I did see a lot of potential yesterday, and don't think the sky is falling like all the media ,and angry Titan fans are saying we are going through a rebuild. Let's TITAN up, and get after Buffalo.
Shout out to RT. dude got a lot of hate during off season and played well and looked like he was having fun. Happy for him. GO Titans! Thanks for the time Jim.

Jim: Hey Hunter. Unfortunately, that game reminded me of the playoff loss, too. Missed opportunities and a bad loss

Jim Lisen from Monroe, Connecticut
Well, well, well... All you crazy optimists out there pleaaase don't tell me its only one game. This team has ZERO chance of contending. The schedule is brutal and we just laid a ridiculous egg against a poor team. Even if our choke artist kicker makes that kick (Knew he would miss it -- check his past in that situation) it was still an awful second half. The king looked slow and tentative and the whole team choked in the clutch....especially our defense... and we all know the defense needs to carry this team. Reaaaaalllly looking forward to Monday night where the Bills will destroy us. Its gonna be a looooooooooooong season, but the good news is we have another horrible draft to look forward to in May.
Hey Jim has anyone mentioned that we have ZERO starters from last years drat class....... A big fat dud of a class. Way to go Jrob and Vrelacheck. We are looking at a rebuild with a very high salary cap number. Oh goodie football season is finally here!!!!

Jim: Let's see what happens on Monday, Jim. I'll be honest: I didn't think the Titans had much of a chance the past two seasons against the Bills, and the Titans won both games. I think we all know the Titans team that played at Nissan Stadium on Sunday won't beat the Bills with another subpar performance, but maybe they'll step it up and surprise everybody again. No matter what happens, the season is still early, Jim. Don't be such a Debbie Downer ...

Andrew Gilmore from State Island, New York
Jim , I've been a Titans fan since Houston Oilers , the problem I have with this organization is they never build on getting better. They get rid of some star players and we all know it's about the money. Problem is they keep a guy like Lewan, watch tape he can't stop a speed rusher, he's always late he's ok on run blocking, but watch end of giants game his guy disrupted everything. Then there's Tannehill he can finish a drive , if not for penalties our offense goes nowhere! I'm sorry to say it but that's the facts. Vrabel was a great player and I thought would be a great fit , but I'm tired of crap losses and his excuses at post game . Enough it's same old sh*t over and over! Maybe if higher ups spend and keep some players, Succop, Brown and some o lineman we might compete. Sorry for the rant I'm just a tired fan and get same tired play every year !!!!!!!

Jim: Solid rant, Andrew, and proof that no one goes unscathed after a loss. Hey, the Titans earned the shade - the team had no business losing that game. But keep in mind how bad things were after Week One a year ago.

Pamela Saldana from Nashville, Tennessee
Hello Jim. Though I expected the Titans to win the opener I wasn't exactly surprised when they lost. That stated, I'm not down on the Titans. In fact, I think we have enough pieces in place for the expectation of a good season. But the Titans triumphing in the role of underdog role while fizzling as the stars of the show is an act grown old. While Mike Vrabel is a great coach and we are fortunate to have him, isn't something amiss coaching wise when a team consistently underperforms when they aren't facing a Goliath?

Jim: Hi Pamela. This is a fair question, and I agree. I don't know what's up with losing to the worst teams in the league – the Jets and Texans last year, and now an unimpressive Giants team on Sunday. But Vrabel and the Titans need to get this figured out.

Jim Williams from Lubbock, Texas
Hi Jim. The Titans managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory against the Giants. As happened a few times last year, the other team's coaches clearly made better half time adjustments than the Titan coaches did. The Titans clearly had a mismatch with Hilliard running pass routes against the Giant linebackers, but OC Downing kept running King Henry when he clearly didn't have the burst he needed. And where was Austin Hooper for the first 50 minutes of the game? I thought he was going to be a major factor in the passing game, but he didn't even get a target until late in the fourth quarter. The Titans' main offensive problems are underutilization of the tight end in the passing game, and over reliance on Derrick Henry, who is a liability in the passing game and seems to be a shadow of his former self in the running game. What changes if any do you see the offensive coaches making for the game in Buffalo next Monday night? Thanks.

Jim: Hey Jim. Well, each game plan is different. The Bills are better than the Giants, I know that for sure. I do think you'll see some adjustments, but what will they be? We'll find out Monday night.

Johnny Long from Bowling Green, Kentucky
I have a statement more than a question. The defense played great, Tannehill even played great. However, he clearly had limited options to go to. A.J. Brown had 155 yards in his Eagles debut, and it's obvious Tannehill was lacking his #1 receiver. Burks better step up in a hurry.

Jim: Hey Johnny. I disagree on a few things here. The defense didn't play great – the Giants ran all over them. Tannehill was solid, but I wouldn't say he was "great" either. I do agree the Titans need some playmakers to emerge at receiver.

William Price from Murfreesboro, Tennessee
The play caller needs to go I think the number 7 quarterback is better than Tannehill the kicker that will probably be the only field goal he misses all year long I know he's very good but the play calling was a disaster you cannot tell me we should not have won that game I love the Titans

Jim: There's a lot in one sentence here, William, but I do agree the Titans blew it on Sunday.

Neil McGeehan from County Derry, Ireland.
Hey Jim, i have a nice easy question. You're on a potential game closing drive deep in the 4th quarter, its a 3rd &1. Do you go for A. Give the ball to Henry. B. Throw a hail mary or option C. Give the ball to a rookie TE on a sweep. Todd Downing is not the guy. The hail mary was most likely his 2nd choice.
Keep up the good work Jim, love the mailbag.

Jim: Hey Neil. I'd probably pick A myself, but the rookie TE never had a chance because the two Titans on that side had a hard time blocking four Giants.

Rick Pinkerton from Pinkerton, Connecticut
Jim, My wife is a very strong Giants fan. We watched the game together. She said there was no chance her team would win. This was based on the previous years of bad football. I told her I wasn't sure which Titan team would show up. and I would not have been surprised if her team won. She was sure that we would make that field goal and win, based on all the other years. You have to give the Giants credit for going for 2 points, very gutsy. Barkley had said that he was back and it sure looked that way. We can learn from this game, and not make the same mistakes. My wife saw a different Giants coach and a different outcome. This is behind us, now let's go to Buffalo and surprise the world.

Jim: Hey Rick. Hope your wife isn't giving you too hard of a time

Todd Cross from Lebanon, Tennessee
I dont want to be that guy in your bag, but more of the same from Downing. Play calling is very frustrating. 2 targets for woods? 3rd and 1 in the 2nd half, end around with the rookie chig, with Henry in the backfield? No way this far into this core's tenure should we lose that game opening day after what I witnessed at Nissan stadium last seasons playoff loss. I won't even get started on the run defense...sheesh! My only hope as a die hard fan, we have laid some pretty big duds opening day in the past and turned out ok.

Jim: Hey Todd. You're not alone here based on my inbox.

Gene Gray from Hornbeak, Tennessee
How long are we going to have to watch Todd Downing make these stupid bonehead play calls???Does he know we have Derrick Henry ? Does he Know Tannehill is pretty good at the QB sneak ? Watching a Todd Downing called gave is like watching my 10 yr old play Madden , he's doing good up by a bunch and then he starts trying to get be cute and do a buncha dumb stuff and wind up losing the game. I know "the players " right and to a point thats true players have to execute , but good grief an end around to the rookie TE??? Like Vrabels hat says "RUN THE DAMN BALL" . Is Tannehill allowed to check out of bonehead play calls? Thanks for what ya do Jim hopefully Downing stops playing Madden before Monday night.

Jim: Hey Gene. This has to be my first email from Hornbeak, which I know now is in Obion County, home of Titans GM Jon Robinson ... and legendary hoops star Cannon Whitby.

William Young from Las Vegas, Nevada
Hi Jim. You said last week, "Make no mistake this is Todd Downing's Offense!" I agree!
From the Raiders to the Titans, Downing is not a good Play Caller! He always makes the wrong call on critical a play and he is so predictable on first and second downs! I blame Vrabel and his big ego for sticking with Todd Downing! This will be the Titans fall this year!

Jim: Always good to hear from you, William. Loved my time in Vegas for the Pro Bowl and the NFL Draft!

David Hargis from Louisville, Kentucky
Jim. Titans fans do not need to panic. We got beat by a healthy and motivated Saquon Barkley, a great new coach, and a New York team on one of the most patriotic and emotional days of the year for that city. The Giants are a different team when Barkley plays up to his potential, and that showed in the 2nd half on Sunday.
Kyle Phillips was a bright spot, muffed punt and all. I cannot wait to see him rack up catches in the Titans uniform for years to come. The pass rush looked scary-good, with multiple contributors stepping up in Landry's absence. That run defense will settle out, and contribute to more wins than losses this season.
Todd Downing has one of the hardest jobs in football. He calls plays for a team with one of the most passionate fan-bases in the country, constantly calling for his firing after every loss. He stepped into some big shoes, and helped us win the division and the #1 seed in the AFC. He does not get enough credit for his creativity and ability to adapt to the injuries that plagued the titan's offensive stars last year.
That being said, this was the second game in a row where the 4th quarter play-calling on 3rd and short went outside the Titans identity. Make that defense earn the stop. If you keep King Henry from gaining that half yard on 3rd down in the 4th quarter, you have earned the right to beat the Titans. Titans fans can hang our hat on that result, and move on to the next opponent with our identity intact.
The Titans will improve throughout the year, a hallmark of the Vrabel era. The opening day loss hurts, but my view from section 235 saw a team with the potential to do something special this year. The Titans are right there, we just need to be ourselves and keep working hard.
My question is: How awesome is it going to be to watch this team win the division this year? Titan Up, baby!

Jim: Well David, this might be the most optimistic take I've received since the game.

Andrew Lee from Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Hey Jim, I'm trying to understand for the life of me how Randy is still on the Titans. He didn't "win out" any competition since his competition got hurt in training camp. Is this a sign for Tennessee to look for options at Kicker as opposed to riding with what we have? I thought the signs were as clear as day last year with all the missed FGs and XPs. I don't know about you but that loss was painful. Giants defense literally helped us get closer with the defensive hold calls yet we beat ourselves. Schedule only gets tougher from here Jim.

Jim: Hey Andrew. I discussed this with Rick and Michelle earlier. Again, Randy has to make that kick. He knows it. Vrabel knows this. Everyone knows this. But the guy had been hitting it well before that kick. He was 81-of-88 in training camp practices (yes, I charted every single one of them), 4-of-4 in the preseason, and was perfect on Sunday until his final kick, including a no-doubter from 46 yards. He was so good on camp the Titans didn't consider bringing in any more competition after Caleb Shudak got hurt, and ended up on PUP. But, again, he has to make that kick – it's what he's paid to do. Also, again: The Titans flubbed more than just the final kick on Sunday.

Bud Stein from Jacksonville, Florida
Top of the morning Jim. hope u r well! Well RU kiddin me the Giants! Cmon Man! Not a way to start. No disrespect but the same ole presser with Coach Vrabel we got to be better in all phases. What an understatement! yet I look around the NFL Succop, Julio Jones for the Bucs , AJ Brown for the Eagles how did that work out yesterday? And even Marcus Mariotta ran for almost as many yards as King Henry who though I couldnt get the game in jag country was no factor. Did he look himself? Whats all that spell? Its ez for all to say its just one game or sugar coat it but things better change QUICK or the team could find themselves 0 and 3 Via Bills and Raiders or use the excuse the Colts only tied etc etc. and the defense allowing 160ish rushing yards? Big turnaround needed pretty fast. Not the way to start Have a great day and week and take a deep breathe for Monday Night. Respectfully, Bud.

Jim: Big turnaround needed for sure, Bud. Man, you had a double whammy on Sunday with the Falcons blowing that lead. Hope all is well with you.

David Stalder from Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hey, Jim. Deplorable. Epic coaching failure. They came out of the locker room at halftime like they'd already won the game.

Jim: Let's face it: The team wasn't exactly perfect in the first half either, David. It could've been up more than 13-0 at the break.

Jaden Brown from New Orleans, Louisiana
Hey jim we didn't deserve to win that game they came out and out played us, even though this should have been a game we won because were better than the giants. But what i don't understand is how our offense "got better" after the offseason additions but we didn't play like it Robert Woods wasn't significant, Austin Hooper barely did anything so my question is why don't we get another WR like will fuller or OBJ people that can come in and make a significant change to our game. Other teams plan for Derrick Henry but i feel like if we have dynamic enough WR out their that can get up the field fast on those play actions our offense could be really dangerous. Also why do we still have todd downing?

Jim: Hey Jaden. I agree the offense needs to get better. Keep in mind the team has Josh Gordon, so that's one option who could be added to the mix at some point.

Mike Tate from Chattanooga, Tennessee
How's it going Jim? Sunday started out ugly, it rained all day until just about 30 mins before kick off. Then it was as if the football gods shined down on us, the clouds parted and out came the sun. Before I knew it we were up 13-0 at half. And then the biggest issue from last year reared its incompetent head the OC!!!!! If last season wasn't proof enough Sunday was absolutely the icing on the cake that he is completely incapable of preforming his job. My question is: Has the front office finally seen enough to part ways with Todd or do we as fans have to listen to another season of excuses about his crap play calling? #FIREToddDowning

Jim: Just checked the web site, Mike, and he's still listed as the O.C.

Jack Walker from Calabasas, California
So good news and bad news... Bad news we lost in a big choke. Good news, Kyle Philips (wow) and Burks can really play, Weaver looked great. Here's my take: This looked like a team where the starters hadn't played a down all season... oh right, they didn't play a single down in the pre-season. Is game #1 really the time to knock the rust off? Ya think maybe the starters shoulda played a few quarters in the pre-season? We will play better next week and weeks to come but it's a shame to throw away a game we should have won. Oh and the last bit of good news... there's not a 4 hour flight home to stew on the loss.

Jim: Weaver is going to be a good one for sure. And I like Philips, too. I'm going to give you a pass on the preseason excuse because Jameson is up next. I'm going all in on him since he got a little snarky ...

Jameson Jennings from Texas City, Texas
Well Jim....another week one disappointment. I recall your response from a few weeks ago stating that not playing in the preseason had anything to do with the opening day loss against the cardinals in 2021. Yet, here we are again. You made that statement as if it was factual. Now they're losing to a former 4-13 Giants team in Nashville. Care to double down on your previous "factual" statement?

Jim: Yes, I care to double down. What happened in the preseason had nothing to do with what happened on Sunday. Sorry, Jameson, but not subscribing to this simplistic take. I guess every team that lost this weekend lost because they didn't play enough in the preseason, huh?

Jack Rosamond from Ridgeland, Mississippi
Hi Jim, it's a pleasure talking to you. With this loss from week one, my question focuses on how we see if Ryan Tannehill is able to keep our franchise going strong or if it's time for the Malik Willis era to begin? I really do think that Tannehill has done a lot for our team, but I think maybe it's time for the future of the franchise to step in. Thanks for taking the time for looking at my question and Titan Up!

Jim: No Jack, it's not time for the Malik Willis era to begin.

Eric Meyer from San Lorenzo, CA
: Greetings from California! More of a rant than a question but here goes. I was embarrassed last year when we lost to the Jets. I'm embarrassed again this year now that we lost to the Giants. Unsurprisingly, Randy Bullock missed a game winner in both these games. I know it's not all on the kicker but I don't remember the last time I've been confident that a Titans kicker would make a game winning fg since we lost succop. Will we ever find a kicker that can be 100% trusted again? Also, I'm starting to become increasingly tired of watching the Titans offense struggle. I'm assuming Todd Downing must be the chief cause of the offense not producing. The offense didn't struggle this much under Arthur Smith and now seeing Julio Jones and AJ Brown do more in one game for their new teams than they did in practically any game for the Titans last year makes me wonder if the guy knows how to put an offensive game plan together. Any chance Vrabel might make a change if the offense continues to struggle this year? Since the team seems to like to play the same way every year , I'm just going to assume we will no show against all the bad teams in the league this year so I don't get so disappointed. Hopefully history repeats itself and we pull out a win against Buffalo but it'll definitely be a tough task on the road. Here's to better days ahead (hopefully).

Jim: Hope you feel better now, Eric.

Franky Markle from Dyersburg, Tennessee
WOW!!! Jim, I assume you must love your job. I feel sorry for you, I can't even imagine how many NEGATIVE emails you've had to read. I'm sure everyone wants the OC's head on a stake. We gave one away. Randy has to make those kicks!! But at the end of the day it's one game, 16 more to play. What's bad is the real possibility of starting 0-2. It's definitely time to TitanUp. What's your thoughts on Hilliard? To me, it looked like most LBs will struggle to cover him out of the backfield. Thoughts on Woods after week one? Didn't see a lot of action or separation. Looked like the Gmen made the right adjustments at half and we didn't. What are your thoughts on my 2 questions and your thoughts in general? Thanks for all you do!! Don't let the negativity get to you. It just shows how much we (Titans fans) expect/care. Thanks again.

Jim: Well, Franky, some of the expletive-filled ones didn't make the cut. All good. I appreciate fans chiming in – good or bad.

John Clark from Knoxville, Tennessee
Jim!!!!! Welcome back to Tennessee football!!!! All I'm gonna say is I refuse to let the Tennessee Titanics stress me out this football season. Defense looked somewhat solid up front but we still have the same issues and now I blame the head coach for this loss. I have said we need a new offense coordinator for the last 2 seasons Todd play calling is beyond horrible 4th and 1 and you try a TE end around the corner not only that he didn't feed Henry the ball enough. We all know Tennessee football is smash mouth football that's how we win. Now for the kicker situation this position should have been one of the most important decisions made this off seasons I knew he was gonna miss that's just his usual when it comes to making clutch plays I hope they have a stand by ready. TITANS 2022 OPENING SEASON 0-5. ALL ABOARD TENNESSEE TITANICS!!!!!

Jim: Good to hear from you, John.

Jared Mixon from Valdez, Alaska
I watched AJ Brown play like a beast Sunday morning. Then, I watched the lack-luster receivers playing for our Titans and thought, "Whoever made that trade is kicking themselves right now. And if not, if they aren't questioning the decision to trade Brown, they should be fired."
Tannehill had a near-perfect game, the O-line provided excellent pass protection and it was abundantly clear that we don't have a true no. 1 receiver. We did have one- We had a top 5 receiver. We had a man who, even when future hall of famer Julio was on the field, was still the best receiver in the game. But we traded him away for an unproven rookie. I'm tired of hearing about how the NFL is a business and this was a business decision. I'm a football fan, not a business fan and Brown is a legitimate football player. His presence on our team Sunday would have completely changed the game. I know it's only 1 game, but whether fair or not, for the remainder of this season, Burks' play will be compared to Brown's. And if it doesn't measure up, this will go down as one of the worst trades in franchise history.

Jim: Hey Jared. I don't know of anyone who wanted to trade A.J. Brown. We've rehashed the reasons why he's no longer a Titan in here plenty. There's no doubt the Titans would be a better team right now with A.J. There's also no chance he's coming back, and fretting about it isn't going to help anything.

Roger Piccirillo from Bridgeport, Connecticut
Hey Jim, I have to say I'm very disappointed with the game plan and the offensive play calling. When are they going to get the memo that they have to be more aggressive on offense. They had 18 seconds left with one time out and instead of throwing it one more time and try and pick up some more yardage to make the kick a little easier for the kicker. They decide to move the ball to the right hash and on the next play clock it losing a yard and a half, its just frustrating to watch the super conservative play calling at the end of this game. And My question to you is what did you think of the handling of the last 18 seconds of this game. And on the other side of the ball the defense just gives up too many big plays, game in and game out why do you think this is. Is it lack of concentration for 60 minutes or conditioning or what, but if they want to be a top five defense they have to find a way to limit these big plays. And what's going on with Farley he didn't see much playing time is this guy ever going to live up to the hype, these early round draft picks have been very disappointing over the last few years. This was a bad loss they have to clean a lot up and get ready for Buffalo. Thanks for the opportunity to vent. Let's Titan Up and win a Super Bowl.

Jim: Super Bowl?!?!? Titans just need to win a game (in Jim Mora voice).

Elden Neemia from Honolulu, Hawaii
So what did you see and like from watching game 1?
It was really interesting listing to radio and try to imagine the game lol. Just from some highlights of the first game, It was a good lesson game. Just keep figuring out and keep moving forward and pay close attention to details Titans. Eventually, we will break through.
Grinding through sound better than progress or process. Why? One sounds like a victim, the other sound like kicking down strong hold/walls.
Maybe something to think about young players lol
Are you the one breaking down the wall ?
Are you the one dozering your name through this mountain?
Who are you?
Are you sure?
So be a TITAN not Entitle.
So shall we instead say; warning: TITANS ARE COMING THROUGH.
Go get em.

Jim: Not sure about all this Elden, but I will say the National Anthem was spectacular. Aloha.

Eli Decko from Youngwood, Pennsylvania
Well I guess that answered my previous and numerous emails. NPF played a pretty solid game and Taylor played pretty well too. That was not something that surprised me though since he is that dude afterall. The entire interior of the line though got manhandled in the run game and had Hassan Haskins not picked up a defensive end there at the end of the game we wouldn't have been able to even get in field goal range. The interior offensive line is really bad and I am pretty sure Robinson and Vrabel see that now. I feel like that's a coaching thing tbh. As well as Todd Downing. I mean wow man. I was so absolutely underwhelmed and all at the same time impressed. Impressed with the lack of consistency in the play calling and underwhelmed at the outcome. Sure Tannehill had some throws he wishes he could have back, but I few of those were because absolutely blown blocking assignments too. The defense looked good for the most part but the rushing defense was the exact opposite of what it looked like last year. And PFF had Landry graded super low in total and run defense so it can't just be the loss of Landry? Rashad Weaver is awesome and is the perfect complement to Simmons and Dupree. Just an all put effort guy. Let's get some things fixed this week and Titan Up for them Bills!

Jim: On to Buffalo, Eli.

Have a great week everyone!

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